Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Canidates on homeland security and why their hasnt been another 9/11.

If your an American citizen who still hasn't choosen who to vote for, I suggest reading or watching this article. This article just may sway you in the right direction to the the man that you want to see in the oval office. I for one was still unsure on who to vote for, but after watching this I am now leaning towards Obama. The point of this article was to hear the canidates answers to two questions which were. 1. Why hasn't there been another 9/11? And as president how would you prevent this from happening again? Both answered the question with much honesty but if anything I felt like McCain was dodgeing the question at first by just giving thanks to all those who have helped out since 9/11 and saying weve been lucky from not getting attacked again. It just seemed like he was trying to get those votes as much as he could and saying luck has to deal with this, well thats just ridiculous, luck is when you make the game winning shot not a terrorist attack, if anything as I'm speaking now some terrorist group could be plotting to do another attack on the U.S. And saying that Obama answered the questions with much detail saying, that's why we went to war, that's why we still have troops over their and with intelligence he has received there our more plots being seen on attacking the U.S once again. I for one believed everything Obama was saying and if I had the same beliefs as he does well he may just be the one to vote for.