Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Hope For America

This is a well written blog that got to the point fast and had plenty of facts to go along with your reasoning. America is in dire need of a new leader and I pray to god that our newly elected President Barack Obama is up to it. I for one believe he can change this nation for the best and im pretty sure thats why most of America voted for him. Barack Obama has said in many addresses that he is ready to end the war in Iraq and to help salvage this economic crisis and those reasons exactly is why I voted for him. I want this war to end already I have family memebers in Iraq as we speak and quite frankly im terrified for their well being. Now for the tax cut well that sounds amazing everyone in America has been waiting for an amazing tax cut that would relieve our economic crisis rite now. Their has been many Presidents that have promised a tax cut and even though there may have been a little tax cut but nothing to wear they either said or promised. Barack Obama has had plenty of success with tax cut in Illinois so im hoping all of that magic is used to cut Americas Tax. Finally im just hoping when our new leader takes the oval office that he is a man of his words and that he finally ends this war in Iraq for me but for all of those citizens in the U.S. that has a loved one in Iraq.

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