Thursday, December 11, 2008

Past And Present

First off I have to say I'm glad that the US Senate has democratic majority maybe with this things will start shaping up for this country. Now for Al Franken's senate campaign in Minnesota, well it really doesn't suprise me that there's missing ballots. I wouldn't be suprised if theres missing ballots in other states for their elections. It seems like we live in an untrustworthy country that cant have truth full elections, I just wish their was something we could do but theirs not.

Political Radicals do exist and their every where and there is no way of stoping them. I cant even imagine how many of them were involved in the Bush and Gore presidential election. Fissure we know they were based out of Florida (haha) but there had to be a lot of them to have caused all that drama. I for one agree with you that we will never know who one Florida, I wish someday before I pass on that we do. Even though its not going to make any difference but it will surely give citizens a sense of relaxation. I for one will be at ease and if Gore really took it and he ended up becoming President well I would be pleased with myself because I voted for him. I was eighteen then and I was just learning more about politics and I was hopeing that the man I put my trust and hope in would become our new leader. But after all the scandals and Bush becoming president it really gave me much doubt in our country and if I even wanted to vote ever again. Four years later and after learning that everything happens for reason I decided to vote again and It was for Obama and I feel like things our looking up for our nation.

I really enjoyed your post, it made me think a lot of my past and how things can get better with a new leader. Yes we have plenty of political radicals out there, and their never gonna go away. But I'm just glad at this exact moment that soon enough our new leader will take over and help our nation prosper again.

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