Thursday, October 16, 2008

U.S, Troops future in Iraq.

The article I choose was basically about the U.S troops future in Iraq and what exactly will happen to our troops if they commit a crime over there. This dispute has been going on for awhile now but it finally came to terms this week after a proposal agreement was sent to both U.S and Iraqi Governments. So what should happen if this follows through is the U.S. Troops should be out or Iraq by 2011 and U.S. Troops would be tried if any high crimes occur off base.

I for one was a U.S. citizen that wished their never was a war but I'm glad at least that our troops mite be back home in 2011. Even though I wish they would could come back sooner but I guess will all have to deal with this and hopefully the U.S. isn't lying to us just to shut us up as well. This article may have been written just to do that, maybe the authors wanted us, the American citizens to believe that their was hope for change and that maybe our loved ones would come back home but frankly I don't believe it. Theirs lots of evidence that shows that this proposal may work out but we've been lied to so much that I need to see it before I believe it.
As of the U.S. Troops being tried over there well that's a whole different story. If there wasn't a war going on this wouldn't have never came about but If our Troops do commit an illegal crime over there well they should be tried then and they also deserve whatever charges they get against them. They shouldn't get a free pass since their in another country, everybody knows what the differences are between whats wrong and right.

So I have to disagree with this article because it's not 2011 and as of right now our Troops are still over there. But I do agree with our troops being tried over there for illegal crimes they commit, their job is to keep peace amongst our countries and to be safe while they serve for our country. After all im pretty sure that what our country hopes to be known for.

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