Thursday, October 2, 2008

Why some Women hate Sarah Palin

I have to be completely honest with you guys, the article I choose seems to be really sexist towards women but the irony of it is that It was written by a woman. I thought It would be more educating for the fact that I can learn a little bit more about Sarah Palin but I thought wrong. The article itself didn't give us facts or views from other woman it only had views from one. This article may have been more appealing and believable if polls were taken from actual women in our country and were asked: Why do you hate Sarah Palin? Belinda Luscombe the writer of this article is just bashing Palin on how pretty, cocky, and how she mite just embarrass the U.S if she was Vice President of our Country. She even had the audacity to say one of the most childish things Ive heard in a National Article before and that was: "At school or in school the pretty girls only seemed to be liked by other pretty girls". First off I'm guessing she wasn't a pretty girl in school, and who cares if she is attractive, more power to her I say. Just because she is attractive isn't going to change the way she makes decisions. The confidence part in my eyes is a plus unless she lets it get to her head. Wouldn't you guys want someone who is confident with their decisions instead of someone who hesitates over it, what if the decision they were making had dyer consequences, I hope the person who was sure what they wanted made the decision. Finally the only way she could really embarrass us if she was caught at some club and she had a total paparazzi moment. But besides that the wrong decisions she mite make for our country want embarrass us it would just really tick us off ha ha. So what I would say to Belinda the writer of this article is that don't judge a book buy its cover let them explain and give you there views on how they would help out our country but most of all yourself.

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