Thursday, December 11, 2008

Past And Present

First off I have to say I'm glad that the US Senate has democratic majority maybe with this things will start shaping up for this country. Now for Al Franken's senate campaign in Minnesota, well it really doesn't suprise me that there's missing ballots. I wouldn't be suprised if theres missing ballots in other states for their elections. It seems like we live in an untrustworthy country that cant have truth full elections, I just wish their was something we could do but theirs not.

Political Radicals do exist and their every where and there is no way of stoping them. I cant even imagine how many of them were involved in the Bush and Gore presidential election. Fissure we know they were based out of Florida (haha) but there had to be a lot of them to have caused all that drama. I for one agree with you that we will never know who one Florida, I wish someday before I pass on that we do. Even though its not going to make any difference but it will surely give citizens a sense of relaxation. I for one will be at ease and if Gore really took it and he ended up becoming President well I would be pleased with myself because I voted for him. I was eighteen then and I was just learning more about politics and I was hopeing that the man I put my trust and hope in would become our new leader. But after all the scandals and Bush becoming president it really gave me much doubt in our country and if I even wanted to vote ever again. Four years later and after learning that everything happens for reason I decided to vote again and It was for Obama and I feel like things our looking up for our nation.

I really enjoyed your post, it made me think a lot of my past and how things can get better with a new leader. Yes we have plenty of political radicals out there, and their never gonna go away. But I'm just glad at this exact moment that soon enough our new leader will take over and help our nation prosper again.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Barack Obama alreay taking charge.

We elected Barack Obama as our new President of the United States of America which actually does not come in to effect until January. Well this does not seem to be stopping a man on a mission of which many people said was not ready and was not experienced enough to become our new President. He has already named many members to his cabinet and just today his second press conference in two days has already built up a team and a plan to bailout our economy. I guess you can say his fellow competitors in these past elections are really bitting their tongues at this exact moment.

Obama hopes to salvage our economy by going through the federal budget and looking for all the investments the U.S. has made and eliminate some of those investments or just spend less money on those investments. With this he plans on bettering our Nation by using an economic stimulus plan worth up to 700 billion dollars. Some of the investments that would come fourth would be made on making more schools, fixing up our roads and bridges, creating new ways of sources for energy use, and last if all this works out it would create over 2.5 million jobs. Obama wants his team to think outside of the box to create new ways and think different from past administrations and thats exactly is one of the reasons why we elected to him as our next president because he stepping up and taking charge.

I'm just hoping his plans and views for the future plan out because if they do he will shut up all the doubters out there, but more importantly making our economy better and stronger. Can you imagine all of those job openings, yea it want help out all of those citizens out there that do not have a job but at least its a start, its better than nothing at all. We should just put Obama in the Oval Office already so that he can get a jump start on saving our nation. It already seems like Obama is in command since Bush is out touring other nations and saying goodbye since he'll be gone soon (thank god), I'm just looking foward to the day Obama comes into office and becomes our new leader.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Hope For America

This is a well written blog that got to the point fast and had plenty of facts to go along with your reasoning. America is in dire need of a new leader and I pray to god that our newly elected President Barack Obama is up to it. I for one believe he can change this nation for the best and im pretty sure thats why most of America voted for him. Barack Obama has said in many addresses that he is ready to end the war in Iraq and to help salvage this economic crisis and those reasons exactly is why I voted for him. I want this war to end already I have family memebers in Iraq as we speak and quite frankly im terrified for their well being. Now for the tax cut well that sounds amazing everyone in America has been waiting for an amazing tax cut that would relieve our economic crisis rite now. Their has been many Presidents that have promised a tax cut and even though there may have been a little tax cut but nothing to wear they either said or promised. Barack Obama has had plenty of success with tax cut in Illinois so im hoping all of that magic is used to cut Americas Tax. Finally im just hoping when our new leader takes the oval office that he is a man of his words and that he finally ends this war in Iraq for me but for all of those citizens in the U.S. that has a loved one in Iraq.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

So much confusion when picking a leader.

The day we vote for our next President is right around the corner and at this point I'm still not sure if I even want to vote and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that feels like this. I'm registered and everything but I'm lacking the motivation to get up and vote. The way we vote does seem like an easy process but from past events it may not be the most reliable way to vote. I think we really need a new way of voting that can benefit everybody.

One factor that is causing me to hesitate to vote is that I live in a state that is pretty much set on voting for McCain as our new President. I want to vote for Obama but its not going to make any difference when we have an electoral college that allows each state to vote as a whole, their is no popular vote in America. There has been many times in our nation when the candidate with the less votes amongst the U.S. Citizens ends up being our new President. I just cant seem to understand how that is fair for our candidates but most importantly all of us citizens who just want to be heard and by voting for the candidate we think that can help our nation out the most.

A change needs to take place in the way we choose our leader and the sooner the better. I for one choose to be like other countries that pick their president by the popular vote. Yes that may not always work for instance George Bush won the popular vote from the last election against John Kerry and we all know what came about from that. I just feel that every body's vote should count and if we happen to choose the wrong President again let that be on our shoulders after all we did vote him in.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

U.S, Troops future in Iraq.

The article I choose was basically about the U.S troops future in Iraq and what exactly will happen to our troops if they commit a crime over there. This dispute has been going on for awhile now but it finally came to terms this week after a proposal agreement was sent to both U.S and Iraqi Governments. So what should happen if this follows through is the U.S. Troops should be out or Iraq by 2011 and U.S. Troops would be tried if any high crimes occur off base.

I for one was a U.S. citizen that wished their never was a war but I'm glad at least that our troops mite be back home in 2011. Even though I wish they would could come back sooner but I guess will all have to deal with this and hopefully the U.S. isn't lying to us just to shut us up as well. This article may have been written just to do that, maybe the authors wanted us, the American citizens to believe that their was hope for change and that maybe our loved ones would come back home but frankly I don't believe it. Theirs lots of evidence that shows that this proposal may work out but we've been lied to so much that I need to see it before I believe it.
As of the U.S. Troops being tried over there well that's a whole different story. If there wasn't a war going on this wouldn't have never came about but If our Troops do commit an illegal crime over there well they should be tried then and they also deserve whatever charges they get against them. They shouldn't get a free pass since their in another country, everybody knows what the differences are between whats wrong and right.

So I have to disagree with this article because it's not 2011 and as of right now our Troops are still over there. But I do agree with our troops being tried over there for illegal crimes they commit, their job is to keep peace amongst our countries and to be safe while they serve for our country. After all im pretty sure that what our country hopes to be known for.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Why some Women hate Sarah Palin

I have to be completely honest with you guys, the article I choose seems to be really sexist towards women but the irony of it is that It was written by a woman. I thought It would be more educating for the fact that I can learn a little bit more about Sarah Palin but I thought wrong. The article itself didn't give us facts or views from other woman it only had views from one. This article may have been more appealing and believable if polls were taken from actual women in our country and were asked: Why do you hate Sarah Palin? Belinda Luscombe the writer of this article is just bashing Palin on how pretty, cocky, and how she mite just embarrass the U.S if she was Vice President of our Country. She even had the audacity to say one of the most childish things Ive heard in a National Article before and that was: "At school or in school the pretty girls only seemed to be liked by other pretty girls". First off I'm guessing she wasn't a pretty girl in school, and who cares if she is attractive, more power to her I say. Just because she is attractive isn't going to change the way she makes decisions. The confidence part in my eyes is a plus unless she lets it get to her head. Wouldn't you guys want someone who is confident with their decisions instead of someone who hesitates over it, what if the decision they were making had dyer consequences, I hope the person who was sure what they wanted made the decision. Finally the only way she could really embarrass us if she was caught at some club and she had a total paparazzi moment. But besides that the wrong decisions she mite make for our country want embarrass us it would just really tick us off ha ha. So what I would say to Belinda the writer of this article is that don't judge a book buy its cover let them explain and give you there views on how they would help out our country but most of all yourself.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Canidates on homeland security and why their hasnt been another 9/11.

If your an American citizen who still hasn't choosen who to vote for, I suggest reading or watching this article. This article just may sway you in the right direction to the the man that you want to see in the oval office. I for one was still unsure on who to vote for, but after watching this I am now leaning towards Obama. The point of this article was to hear the canidates answers to two questions which were. 1. Why hasn't there been another 9/11? And as president how would you prevent this from happening again? Both answered the question with much honesty but if anything I felt like McCain was dodgeing the question at first by just giving thanks to all those who have helped out since 9/11 and saying weve been lucky from not getting attacked again. It just seemed like he was trying to get those votes as much as he could and saying luck has to deal with this, well thats just ridiculous, luck is when you make the game winning shot not a terrorist attack, if anything as I'm speaking now some terrorist group could be plotting to do another attack on the U.S. And saying that Obama answered the questions with much detail saying, that's why we went to war, that's why we still have troops over their and with intelligence he has received there our more plots being seen on attacking the U.S once again. I for one believed everything Obama was saying and if I had the same beliefs as he does well he may just be the one to vote for.